Whatever brought you here, curiosity, desire to change, goals, pain, maybe desperation, or perhaps hoping to have some fun and learn something new… whatever it is, it’s perfect!
I’m here for you!
To know my journey is to know that my most important jobs have been granddaughter, daughter, wifey, auntie, sister, teacher, healer, and dog mom. These are the highlights of my life, and the places I’ve found the most love and passion.
At the heart of it all is family. The family that we are born into, that we create, and that which we choose. Family to me means unconditional love, acceptance, grace, and lessons. Lots and lots of lessons.
Throughout this life, the lessons and experiences I’ve had have brought me to where I am now.
The space where, as much as I’ve learned, it’s really been a process of unlearning, and accepting that the thing that I can really count on knowing is how very little I know.
I’ve always been an avid reader, learner, and dreamer. I tend to take my time and do things on my own schedule. I went to college when I was ready and decided to become a teacher. I loved being a teacher, and I learned so many lessons. Lead with your heart, be open, everyone has a story, set clear goals, have a plan to get there, mindset and grit matter, celebrate, be flexible, and above all else, build relationships.
Has always come easy for me
I didn’t know what it was, but it happened often, and easily.

On my 31st birthday, I was involved in a traumatic hit-and-run accident.
This accident set me on a path to holistic healing. I explored every choice that was available to me to ease my pain, fear, anxiety, and immobility. I transformed my life so that I could heal. Through the guidance of a life changing chiropractor, I became strong and healthy, except for the damage that still lingered from “the accident.”
After 12 years of holistic treatments, my team and I decided that it was time for spine surgery. The paralysis in my left arm was not improving, and the pain was excruciating. During my surgery, I died on the table. As I was surrounded by a brilliant white light, some of my departed loved ones were with me. My grandfather and my bio dad were standing at the head of the bed. I was holding my 2 babies, whom I had miscarried, and my beloved Kelly dog was at the foot of my bed. It was so warm and loving.
My dad, who I’d not been close to, told me, “Molly Jo, go back! You have work to do.” It was then that I began to hear the bustling in the room, hear the doctors talking, feel the paddles on my chest, and feel the cold of the ice that they had put on my body. I was back, and did I ever have work to do now!
Along with rehabbing from surgery, I now knew I had work to do on my relationship with my dad who had passed. I’d heard about Emotion Code from my sister-in-law, and knew I had to learn more. I read the book and learned about this easy and effective way to release emotional baggage from your body. I booked a session with a practitioner and was prepared to work on my “daddy issues.”
When I showed up to my appointment, the woman told me that I was actually there to release the trauma from the time I was run over by the semi. What?? NO WAY! The drunk driver that had hit me on my 31st birthday was driving an RV! How did she know this? She put her hand on my left shoulder, which was known as my “humpback” area…tissue that wasn’t healing well following the surgery.
What was happening?
I had my first Emotion Code/Reiki session on that day, AND I WAS transformed.
When I came out of that session, I had released so much, both physical and emotional trauma, that my body was able to move freely and pain free after our session. I felt so much lighter, and my entire vibe changed.
When I got home, my husband couldn’t believe it. He said even my eyes had changed. When I looked in the mirror, there were the bright blue eyes I’d had when I was younger.
I was sold! I started learning the work and became a Certified Emotion Code Practitioner. This work opened my mind and heart to all the different applications and possibilities. I was using EC on everything and everyone…with consent of course. The breakthroughs were incredible. Reduced pain, anxiety, better relationships, new successes…You name, I saw it.

Then along came 2020. Sadness, solitude, struggle, illness, death…fear! It was so hard. It was through this time that I entered another dark night of the soul.
I needed more resources.
During this desperate time, I was called to work in a Mastermind with other people in the healing arts and became a Global Energy Method Certified Practitioner with a Spiritual Specialty. When my loved ones were fighting for their lives, a fellow practitioner taught me about healing frequencies, and introduced me to AO Scan Frequency Technology. This device was able to scan, optimize, and send healing frequency at a distance. Lifesaving and life changing! Now I use technology all day every day to bring my family and clients relief. Everything is possible with energy!
Things shifted in my life during that time, and one of them was my relationship with myself. With all that time alone, I was really forced to evaluate things. Boundaries were needed, and I had to cut out the toxic. Unfortunately, that meant my workplace. I left teaching. It was a whole journey, and I needed a lot of healing.
In this healing period, I knew I needed to gain confidence and knew that I was worthy. I began to invest in myself again. I collaborated with coaches and met incredible women who would support me on this new journey. I studied and became certified in NLP, Timeline Therapy, and Hypnosis. I was now an energy healer…although it took me a couple of years to say it.
Now here I am, Molly Campbell Barton, energy healer. I know that the experiences we go through teach us. There is always more than what we see. The people that we know and surround ourselves with influence us. There is power in words. We create our reality. The body has the natural ability to heal itself. Mindset matters. We are all connected. Gratitude is the highest frequency.
What does this mean for you? When we work together, I’m open. I’m here for you. I have faith in this work, and I’m ready to make it work for you, with you. You are worth it. When we peel away the layers and start doing this work together, you will feel lighter! You will feel supported.

we can create real, measurable change!
I am so passionate about this work that I am fully invested in helping you feel better and meet your goals. With the training that I have and the gifts that I’ve been blessed with, I can do this for you, even if you’re skeptical, or not ready to believe in yourself.
We are all connected, so with your permission, I can help you to feel how worthy you are. Together we can release the layers and welcome in new healthy emotions, and as your frequency begins to rise, you’ll be able to attract and receive things in a whole new light.
My greatest desire is to help women feel these shifts without one more obligation. These sessions provide you with the release you need, with little inconvenience to you. I am a safe place. I am judgment free. I will meet you where you are and support you in getting where you want to be. Then, you will exceed your goals and continue to elevate! This work is limitless, and so is your life.
I’m so glad you’re here!

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