Legal Disclaimer
Informed consent and liability waiver
Molly Campbell Barton, CECP, LLC

As an energy healer, I, Molly Campbell Barton, am not a licensed medical or mental health professional and my services are not intended to replace any medical or psychological treatment or advice. My services are considered complementary and alternative healing techniques that aim to promote relaxation, balance, and well-being. By engaging in my services you acknowledge and understand that the results of energy healing may vary and are not guaranteed. You are responsible for your own choices and decisions regarding your health and well-being.
Informed Consent
By choosing to receive energy healing services from Molly Campbell Barton, CECP, LLC you understand and agree to the following:
1. Energy healing is a complementary and alternative healing modality and is not intended to diagnose, treat, cure, or prevent any medical or mental health conditions.
2. Energy healing sessions may involve the use of hands-on or hands-off techniques, and you will remain fully clothed during the session.
3. The energy healing session may involve the use of essential oils, crystals, or other healing tools.
4. The energy healing session may involve discussion of personal and sensitive topics.
5. You are responsible for providing accurate and complete information about your physical, mental, and emotional health and any medication or treatments you are currently undergoing.
6. You understand that the results of energy healing may vary and are not guaranteed.
7. You understand that the energy healing session is not a substitute for medical or mental health treatment or advice. You are encouraged to seek appropriate medical or psychological care as needed.
8. You acknowledge that you have read and understood this informed consent form and disclaimer, and you voluntarily consent to receive energy healing services from me.

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